U.Today has examined the monthly website views of the best trading bots on the market in order to determine which of them are most popular with crypto enthusiasts. As it turned out, 3Commas is in the lead with a whopping 1.722 mln views.
The players on the automated trading market
CryptoHopper comes in second place with 855,824 views. Meanwhile, there is a huge gap between second and third places – ProfitTrailer only has 92,200 views. Such a difference was expected since ProfitTrailer is an offline trading bot, which means that its users are not supposed to regularly visit the website. Other top entries (CryptoTrader and HaasBot) also have much smaller numbers compared to the two aforementioned leaders.
A monthly subscription to 3Commas will set you back $24 (CryptoHopper is a tad cheaper — $19).
The geography of automated trading
CryptoHopper, Haasbot, and ProfitTrailer are leading in the US, which doesn’t come as a surprise since it’s the biggest cryptocurrency market in the world. 3Commas is most popular in Russia while France is the top country for CryptoTrader users.