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CFO Stratech, Mumbai


Event details

  • Dates:
    Wed, 03/06/2024 - Wed, 03/06/2024
  • Social links:
CFO Stratech, Mumbai
Cover image by CFO Stratech, Mumbai
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The role of the CFO has expanded greatly in recent years. It has evolved into a more strategic and pivotal position within the organization, focused on driving innovation, efficiency and shaping future strategies. Finance leaders now encompass a broad spectrum of responsibilities, including strategic planning, value creation, sustainability initiatives, leveraging data and technology, and nurturing talent. 

NetNex presents the 17th edition of CFO StraTech 2024 in Mumbai, on the MARCH 6, 2024. 

This event is designed to bring together a community of CFOs in the region, facilitating an opportunity to share experiences and insights, collectively. At the CFO StraTech, attendees will engage in discussions about emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies, and explore forward-looking solutions & strategies to achieve sustainable and impactful outcomes. CFO StraTech 2024 serves as a valuable convergence point for finance leaders to foster learning and collaboration in their ever-evolving field. 

Learn the best practices of peers and enhance your growth strategy for sustained business outcomes.


As the Cfo’s Position Evolves Into That of a Strategic Collaborator With the CEO, the Current Business Landscape Places a Diverse Array of Responsibilities Squarely on the Shoulders of the Financial Leader.


 - Cfo’s Evolving Role; The Chief Future Officer

 - Advancing With Digital Leadership

 - Data to Decisions; An Informed Journey

 - Strategies for Effcient Resource Allocation

 - Advancing With AI & Automation

 - Innovating to Advance Your Workforce

 - Risk Management With Resilience

 - Esg, the Path to Social Impact

Why Attend

 - Expert Insights
Learn From Proven Business Leaders Sharing Deep Insights, Best Practices and Success Stories From Real World Use Cases

 - Evaluate
Glean From the Discussions to Evaluate Your Current Capabilities & Collaborate With Suppliers & Technology Partners

 - Networking
Connect With Like-Minded Digital Peers From a Cross Pollination of Industries to Leverage Collective Experience

 - Breakthrough
Explore Technologies & Solutions Shaping the Future of Finance Transformation and Evaluate the Right Fit for Your Business
