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Blockchain Certification: How to Get Certified in Blockchain Technology

Thu, 30/05/2019 - 13:28
Blockchain has already become a popular trend. In this regard, developers need to confirm their knowledge in this field through certificates
Blockchain Certification: How to Get Certified in Blockchain Technology
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It is a vivid fact that blockchain and cryptocurrencies have penetrated into our lives. New technologies are already being used in logistics, financial institutions, medical services, etc. Over the past few years, developers of blockchain technology have evolved from representatives of narrowly focused specialization to professionals, whose shortages are seriously felt on the market.

New technologies have conquered the minds and hearts of millions of enthusiasts around the world. Many people have taken the path of self-learning in the field of blockchain, eagerly absorbing information, learning new skills on their own and gaining experience. The only problem is that it is rather difficult to study independently without the help of competent professionals who can share valuable knowledge rather than general information from Wikipedia.

A problem can arise if you are actively interested in blockchain technology and want to get more knowledge as a professional, but you don’t have the opportunity to spend a lot of time learning about blockchain. So, it becomes quite difficult to find options for a quick and effective education and training.

In this article, we have created a list of blockchain certifications to help developers master their skills.


Blockchain Council

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Image by Blockchain Council

It is one of the well-known blockchain expert communities. It conducts trainings, certifies blockchain specialists and is open for membership.

Training is available for beginners and more or less experienced blockchain enthusiasts. At the same time, you can choose the direction of interest on your own or alternately take several trainings to strengthen existing knowledge or learn something new. The Blockchain Council expert community organizes trainings for a completely small fee of $45 in the format of online meetings. Topics of training are the following:

  • Introduction to Initial Coin Offerings (ICO)

  • Working with hyperledger fabric blockchain on IBM Bluemix

  • How to build Decentralized Auto Democracy (DAO) in blockchain

  • Blockchain glossary – learn blockchain frequently used terms

  • Understand the largest blockchain attacks

  • Setting up Ethereum blockchain in 1 hour

  • Learn Solidity: programing language for Ethereum smart-contracts

  • Learn Ethereum blockchain & smart-contract within 1 hour

On the website for each training, you can see its program and evaluate the practical benefits for yourself. Blockchain Council has made certification available to everyone, in the target areas including:

  • Certified blockchain expert

  • Certified cryptocurrency trader

  • Certified cryptocurrency expert

  • Certified Solidity developer

  • Certified Ethereum expert

Course fees range from $9 to $149, while the annual payment for membership in the Blockchain Council is $199.

Obtaining the status of a certified blockchain expert using Blockchain Council is an excellent investment in yourself as a recognized professional.

In addition, in the labor market, specialists who are familiar with blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts can claim to be paid an average of 30% more than their competitors without similar skills.


CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium

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Image by CC Consortium

This program helps students become certified Bitcoin experts. Consortium offers three types of courses, after which people can become a Certified Bitcoin Professional, a Certified Bitcoin Expert or a Certified Ethereum Developer. A Certified Bitcoin Specialist (CBP) understands Bitcoin’s protocol, its transactions, and its network operation.

CBP specialists can apply Bitcoin technology in their professional field, understanding the aspects of confidentiality, double spending and other issues related to cryptocurrency. Training lasts two years, and the cost is $95 for the course plus a fee of $30.

An expert in the field of Bitcoin obtains "expert level cryptocurrency knowledge.” Such a diploma makes it possible to develop applications on the blockchain. These specialists understand the principles of interaction between peers in the Bitcoin network, how to handle transactions at the byte level, and the writing of scripts that adapt transaction behavior.

The consortium's board of directors includes Andreas Antonopoulos, Vitalik Buterin and Michael Perklin.

RMIT University

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Image by RMIT University

The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) created the Blockchain innovation center to conduct research on blockchain technologies.

This institution is declared the first research center in the world whose goal is to study the social sciences related to the blockchain.

The new center works as an international interdisciplinary research group studying the economic, cultural and social implications of blockchain technology. It also intends to cooperate with a variety of companies from different fields of activity in order to share developments and employ students after graduation.

This scientific cluster is about to develop and implement policies aimed at facilitating the transition to a future blockchain economy, as well as interact with politicians and governments to discuss the social and political impact of this technology.

Digital Currency Council

This program was created in 2014 in New York by David Berger, who is the founder and leader of the courses. Currently, DCC educational services are used by more than 1,500 participants from 90 countries around the world. The organization calls itself "an association of experts in the field of digital currencies."

The DCC training program is much shorter than the courses offered by the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium and lasts only seven hours. However, the cost of this course is much higher, which is $299. The Digital Currency Council includes six main areas: technical fundamentals of cryptocurrency, financial relations, practical use, the Bitcoin ecosystem, accounting, and legal subjects. The DCC offers completing a self-test to determine your qualifications. The program is supported by Digital Currency Group and Silicon Valley accelerator 500 Startups.


Blockchain Training Alliance

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Image by Blockchain Training Alliance

The company offers a comprehensive training program on blockchain technologies. The Alliance also promotes courses at the place of residence. The goal is simple: to provide students with the most up-to-date materials and instructions on blockchain and maintain their skills through new courses as the technology develops.

The main advantage of the alliance lies in its mobility – lectures and trainings are held around the world. This can be an excellent option for corporations wishing to familiarize employees with blockchain and cryptocurrency. Blockchain Training Alliance offers modern, flexible and interdisciplinary programs.

Choosing the right program

Undoubtedly, there are many other educational programs dedicated to blockchain and cryptocurrency. Graduation certificates can be very useful for building careers. You should not exclude the possibility of free online learning. In addition to free courses, one can find a wealth of information about Bitcoin and its technical aspects on the Internet.

Only accredited bodies that work by their own rules have the documentary right to confirm certification, often acting as monopolies. There are very few alternatives, though the industry remains commercial in many countries.

In any case, before making a final choice in favor of any course, it is recommended to carefully study the program and its methods.

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