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Fhenix to Host Encryption Day at EthCC on July 9

Fri, 28/06/2024 - 15:49
Fhenix to Host Encryption Day at EthCC on July 9
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Fhenix, a pioneering Ethereum L2 to enable confidential smart contracts protected by Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), shares the details of its side event at major crypto conference EthCC 2024 in Brussels. Fhenix's Encryption day is set to take place on July 9.

Fhenix L2 organizes Encryption Day at EthCC 2024, hotly anticipated side event

Fhenix, a game-changing Ethereum L2 for private transactions shielded with FHE technology, announces the call for Encryption Day at EthCC 2024, its massive side event. So far, over 1,100 people have already registered for the day-long program.

Set to be hosted at Ace Events, Av. d'Auderghem 22 in Brussels, Encryption Day will feature keynotes from a host of leading experts in Web3 programming and business development.

Speakers confirmed for the event include Justin Drake, ZK researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, as well as Arbitrum cofounder Ed Felten. 

Contributers from Fhenix, Zama, StarkWare, RISC Zero, ZKSync, Gauntlet and Aztec will also be covering the accomplishments and challenges of the ZK and FHE segments.

Attendees will discuss FHE, ZKP and MPC developments in Web3

Over the course of the seven-hour event, attendees will be able to join a series of talks and panels on encryption in Ethereum (ETH) and EVM blockchains, including a talk from the Fhenix team on the topic of Secure and Confidential AI and a panel discussion between representatives of Polygon, ZKSync and Fhenix on the differences between ZK and FHE technology.

Privacy technology will be in focus for all speakers, illuminating use cases and practical applications for ZK, FHE and MPC.

Encryption Day will operate as a side event to EthCC, the annual Ethereum community conference that runs from July 8-11 in Brussels. 

It includes conferences, workshops and panel discussions to disseminate knowledge about blockchain and core Ethereum use cases and innovations.

Encrypted Mempools will be addressed by the Ethereum Foundation and other keynotes and panels will cover topics such as end-to-end encrypted blockchains and confidential DeFi.


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