Web 3.0 for Developers Conference | September 22, 2022

After the sold-out conferences in December 2021 and May 2022, developers in Israel can meet for the first time!
Developers with or without Web 3.0 knowledge are invites to join us for a full day in TLV and learn from the best Web 3.0 companies from Israel and abroad.
On September 22nd ICC – Israel Crypto Community - will host the Web 3.0 for Developers Conference from 13:00 – 21:00 at ZOA TLV.
There will be a full day of panel and case studies alongside with practical workshops.
The Developer Conference is meant to teach and train developers in skills and information relating to Web 3.0. We want to grow and develop the developers in our community for the future of the internet.
Web 3.0, which is based on blockchain technology, is the decentralized internet of the future. There will be no command and control from a central location.
The internet will be governed by AI and machine learning algorithms. Web 3.0 will be powered by smart contracts, which will be a semantic web managed by machines with no central authority.
Smart contracts are how you can actually program the blockchain. They are code deployed to the chain, written in some language that blockchain nodes can execute.
We are happy to announce Web 3.0 for developers!
Web 3.0 for Developers Conference September 22nd 2022