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Darkside of the force Presale

Fri, 28/06/2024 - 9:25
Darkside of the force Presale
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From the engineering department of Hydra,The secret research bases of Umbrella, The industrial power of Sionis industries. Combined with the household name recognition of Czerka Corporation brings an unholy union known as Czerka Lab.


I was introduced to cryptocurrency during the emergence of ICO and Bitcoins in 2016. Since then, I have seen a plethora of investors that dived into cryptocurrency; however those investors invested minimal financial input, while seeking maximum financial gains.

The problem is, most of those investors were hardworking people like you and me with limited education in investment. Investing is not for the weak at heart, or a get rich scheme. I want to bring a solution to assist in making sound decisions on your next investment strategy.

Our private will be at $0.000002 but be limited to $10,000 per person. Our Public sale will be conducted afterwards and will be offered at $.000008. Our listing price will be based on market dynamics and community feedback in order for our project to stand out.

Our goal is to build the largest meme token community holders in the space. In order to bring this vision to life we will be having one the largest private offering /sale and giveaways ever to involve as many new and older crypto holders as possible. For every milestone met ,we will be doing a contest or giveaway so everyone regardless of background can benefit. Just get involved!

I am Deante L Shipp. Founder and CEO of Czerka Labs Llc in San Antonio TX. I grew up reading and watching Marvel, DC, and Starwars. Each would create a story of epic proportion but use reader friendly wording to keep the reader engaged from cover to cover. As such each product we ultimately develop should guide each user and customer from start to finish so no user is left confused on how to use a product. (F.TU.E) or First Time User Experience will be at the core of each product so anyone of any skill will be able to use our products on day one. As a Lead Clerk and Chief Union Steward for USPS. I recognize the need for easy to understand and practical products, while being able to make each product and experience with a service that is user friendly.

It's with these skills and extensive research that I have developed Czerka Labs Llc.

At Czerka Labs, we specialize in researching, analyzing and learning strategic skills in All areas of advanced financial matters, such as, Stocks exchange, Cryptocurrency, Forex, and Mutual Funds.

Our primary goal is to establish a Dow Jones like Indices flagship with a digital assets classification system.

Secondly, we will focus on educational and effective learning tools to assist everyone in making educated and informed decisions in accumulating advanced assets and navigating the market successfully.

Ultimately it's our goal to bridge the gap between traditional and digital assets in connecting eager consumers to companies that will meet their financial needs.

For the first time ever, Security and other financial brokers will have business partnership plus this will enable newly educated consumers to connect to these businesses

We are launching a meme token, "Darkside of the Force", for the initial funding round. The initial funding round will cover our platform development cost, some exchange list fee's and essential immediate hires. This token will serve as a membership token that will allow All holders to access a new cryptocurrency burning method called, " Burn Coin Offering."

Burn coin offering utilizes the ICO method, but instead of taking in money for revenue and capital generation, it sends all tokens collected to a Burn address or irretrievable wallet.

The 2nd capital funding round will include our governance or voting token. This funding will occur after the development of our core MVP. It will cover an asset backed product for our mvp, working capital and full project hiring.

This token will allow the community at large to vote on various aspects of our project.

Our first BCO will be a unique type of Governance tokens. Our primary governance token will allow anyone in the community to vote in our ecosystem. However, in order to encourage the growth and cultivation of our future indices those who hold this token will have a greater voice over that indices. An example of this would be an asset that has been added to our indices that seem to be acting oddly. A member who holds this token will be able to voice their concern and make a call for a vote to remove said asset from the index. These members will also get any participation air drops or awards for that indices. This will allow our community to focus on the indices that matter most to them.

We want to thank everyone that participates and joins our community and we are officially inviting you to the Czerka Labs family! Welcome aboard! 

Company details

  • Organization
    Czerka Labs
  • Website:

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