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DOGE Community Opens Hot “Dogecoin or Bitcoin” Debate, Here's Surprising Twist

Thu, 27/06/2024 - 16:02
DOGE Community Opens Hot “Dogecoin or Bitcoin” Debate, Here's Surprising Twist
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X user @cb_doge, who calls himself “DogeDesigner” and whose bio says that he is a UX/UI & graphic designer at Dogecoin & MyDoge wallet, has once again recently published a poll to pick his followers’ opinions on whether “Dogecoin > Bitcoin” or not.


This statement provoked a massive wave of comments where the opinions split – some supported DogeDesigner’s statement, while others “voted” for Bitcoin.


Roughly ten days ago, @cb_doge published a similar tweet and it got the attention of Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus known on the X platform as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.” Markus then clearly expressed his take on this point. He tweeted: “i would rather have 1 bitcoin than 1 dogecoin tbh.”

In November last year the Dogecoin founder revealed his net worth as he commented on an article claiming that he is worth approximately $5 million. Markus stated that his “net worth” is well under $1 million and if he indeed possessed the above-mentioned sum of money on his bank account, he would have been much more relaxed about money.

Markus does not even hold a lot of Bitcoin or Dogecoin, according to his tweets that were published later. As for Bitcoin, his holdings comprise just 0.006 BTC.


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