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Tether Announces USDT Issuance, Tradecurve Closing Presale Stage

Fri, 21/07/2023 - 11:06
Tether Announces USDT Issuance, Tradecurve Closing Presale Stage
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The cryptocurrency industry is no stranger to controversies and market developments that raise questions among investors. In recent news, Tether (USDT) announced issuing an additional 1B USDT tokens. In the meantime, Tradecurve is going through the Stage 4 presale ha. Let's explore the motivations behind Tether's issuance and provide insights into this significant event.

Those, who are willing to participate in the Tradecurve's presale can do it here

The Tether (USDT) Issuance: Understanding Reasons


Tether, one of the most prominent stablecoin issuers, has again caught attention by issuing an additional 1B USDT tokens. This Tether move has raised concerns among some investors, who question the implications of such a significant issuance. 

Issuing additional USDT tokens is often associated with the demand for liquidity, enabling users to access digital assets. Tether will use the freshly created USDT as inventory for upcoming issue requests and chain swaps, according to Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Tether. 

While the large-scale issuance may raise eyebrows, it is crucial to note that Tether has consistently maintained transparency by conducting regular audits and providing updates on its token reserves. The Tether market cap has increased by 0.02% overnight and now sits at $83.3B. As always, the Tether price sits at $1.00. 

Clarifying the Tradecurve (TCRV) Presale Status

Amidst the Tether news, some investors may also be curious about the progress of Tradecurve's Stage 4 presale. Tradecurve, an emerging project to revolutionize the trading experience, has attracted significant attention in the crypto community. 

Stage 4 of the Tradecurve presale is 71% complete, and investors have eagerly followed its progress. However, it's important to clarify that the presale process does not necessarily end with the completion of this stage. While Stage 4 may be closing, it does not signify the end of the presale. With over $3M raised so far, the end goal of $20M looks pretty achievable. 

Tradecurve (CRV) Builds Better User Experience

While plenty of trading platforms are currently on the market, they often have many issues. High fees, lack of transparency, and limited access to advanced trading tools are only some of them. Tradecurve solves all of these issues with its hybrid infrastructure model that combines the best features of CEX and DEX. 

Tradecurve allows the trade of all derivatives on one account. Be it forex, stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, or more.Tradecurve account can be created using an email address, whici you can connect to a cryptocurrency wallet, and use your crypto as collateral.

Another difference that gives Tradecurve the competitive edge is its focus on privacy. It removes any intrusive sign-up KYC checks, providing a private trading environment. Tradecurve also implements Proof of Reserves - significantly increasing trust and transparency. The platform includes features such as copy trading and VIP account service.

TCRV As Diversification Tool 

Tether remains one of the safest and transparent stablecoins on the market. Emerging assets like Tradecurve's native token, TCRV poses way more volatility but can be used if investors' goal is to gain more exposure to risks. Moreover, Tradecurve is expecting a Stage 5 presale to begin sometime next week.

Right now Tradecurve is working on Forex market exposure to gain more value proposition for users. This connection positions Tradecurve to cater to a broader audience and capitalize on the growth potential of the forex market.

For more information about the Tradecurve presale:


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