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Moma Protocol Trading Opens July 6 on Bounce, Westarter and Hotbit Platforms

Tue, 6/07/2021 - 11:41
Moma Protocol Trading Opens July 6 on Bounce, Westarter and Hotbit Platforms
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Moma Protocol will hold an initial DEX offering (IDO) on Bounce and WeStarter platforms on July 6. In parallel, there will also be an initial exchange offer (IEO) on the HotBit platform.


Moma Protocol is a project creating customizable lending pools to address DeFi's liquidity and scalability issues. 

Through smart contracts, Moma Protocol provides valuable services to the financial sector. These include DeFi solutions, asset management, and loan pool creation.

Everything happens through the revolutionary Factory component, which satisfies the market's lending needs and also generates infinite liquidity for specific digital assets. This process takes place through a closed business cycle consisting of fully customizable launch and lending pools. 


The Moma Protocol business model can be described as B2B2C. Of the B2B properties, this protocol first serves business customers and then distributes services through fully customizable Lending Pools to consumers. 

In addition, a percentage of the revenue share from the transaction fees of the liquidity pools goes to everyone in the equation.

Security and pricing will be provided by a proprietary Whistleblower mechanism. Because of this, users will be rewarded (or penalized) at the token level. Everything will depend on the quality of the pricing information they provide.

Moma Protocol has already completed its seed round and private fundraising, and a strategy round is coming to an end. There is a lot of interest in this project from well-known investors such as Fundamental Labs, SevenX Ventures, AU21, DFG Capital, MXC, Genesis Shards, Coins Group, Oasis Capital, and NFT Stars. 

Moma Protocol's next step will be to offer its native token through a multi-stakeholder approach.

The first order of business will be an initial DEX offering (IDO) on the WeStarter and Bounce platforms. Sales are scheduled to begin on July 6 at 11:00 AM UTC and end at 12:00 Noon UTC. An initial exchange offer (IEO) on HotBit will take place at the same time as these IDOs and will start and end at the same time. 

Trading of the native Moma token will begin on Uniswap and Mdex on July 6 at 1:00 PM UTC; MXC and HotBit at 2:00 PM UTC. Those who have participated in IDO or IEO will have various token trading options at their disposal when they show interest.

The properties described above create opportunities for continuous growth and acceleration for long-tailed digital assets. These digital assets present users with the most attractive option for diversifying their investment portfolios. 

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