The antivirus guru and a prominent crypto bull John McAfee has not been tweeting about cryptocurrencies for a while busy talking to his followers about the permanent faults of the US government and the taxation system.
However, a few hours ago, he resumed his perpetual discussion of virtues that cryptocurrencies – privacy coins in particular – have.
'Criminals are using privacy coins. Thank God!'
In a recent tweet, John McAfee praises privacy coins or rather he praises criminals for being the first to adopt all valuable technical novelties – automobiles, the telephone and now they are welcoming privacy coins.
McAfee tweets:
“Authorities are always behind. Now, they [criminals] have validated the power of privacy. Thank God!”
Criminals are using privacy coins.
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) February 22, 2020
They are first to use every valuable technology.
Faster automobiles as getaway cars in the 1930s,
Telephones to co-ordinate crimes.
Authorities are always behind.
They have validated
The power
Of Privacy.
Thank God!
‘Technical progress happens despite bureaucracy’
In the second tweet in the thread, McAfee continues the discussion, revealing the reasons, why the authorities are perpetually behind.
McAfee believes that this is down to bureaucracy. Bureaucrats have a high level of incompetence, the crypto baron says.
“They use their power to slow the rate of society's progress down to their own level of incompetence.”
And ...
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) February 22, 2020
Why are Authorities
Perpetually behind?
Because ...
They are bureaucracies -
When they do
Infrequently keep up,
It's because they use their power,
To slow the rate of society's progress
To their own level
Of incompetence.
McAfee is no longer Bitcoin fan
Recently, the former antivirus mogul revealed that he believes Bitcoin to be ‘ancient technology’, saying that he no longer bets on BTC as a tool to change the global financial system.
As per him, blockchains that are appearing now are much better and all his BTC promo campaign, the prediction that BTC will hit $1 mln and a promise to eat his penis if it does not have proved to be just a bait to attract new users into the crypto sphere.