Let’s purchase some cryptocurrency
In order to get the necessary amount of such cryptocurrency as ETH/BTC, the users usually have to convert their fiat money to ETH/BTC with the help of exchange site available. Every person should come through the following steps:
To get the requested amount of Bitcoin and take a Debit/Credit Card
The last one will help you to convert the fiat currency into BTC.
Of course, it is possible to skip these points if you have already got BTC/ETH/LTC.
The ways to obtain Siacoin from crypto
We recommend you to exchange your BTC/ETH for the necessary amount of Siacoin with the help of these successful services:
- Shapeshift.io;
- Poloniex
- Bitsquare.
Among these exchangers, we have found ShapeShift to be the most accessible variant for those who are going to obtain our first Siacoin token.
And at last, when you have already received your demanded Siacoin tokens, it is time to throw them to your existing Sia wallet.