In this interview with Egger Mielberg, the founder of Arllecta, we discuss his journey toward establishing his own company that specializes in developing algorithms for artificial intelligence. Mielberg tells us about speech recognition and synthesis, speech analytics and algorithms for identifying semantic connections. He also talks about the company's flagship product, SenseChain, a global business network that aims to unite all active people on the planet into one equal network. Finally, Mielberg shares how the longevity project came about as a result of testing their algorithms in early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.
U.Today: Tell us about your background. What inspired you to start Arllecta?
Egger Mielberg: My constant attraction to solving those most complex problems that had not been solved before me by the best minds of mankind led me to the decision to enter a European state university to major in mathematics. During my studies, I actively participated in various clubs in mathematics and philosophy. In my third year of study, I was offered to start teaching a course in calculus for senior students at the Department of Applied Mathematics.
After half a year, I received the position of senior lecturer in the department. After graduating from college, I was invited to graduate school in the Department of Applied Mathematics without exams. Additionally, I was invited to the Department of Information Technology as a senior lecturer. After a year of teaching, I created two full innovative courses for university students in calculus and the C++ programming language.
In 2010, while working at an American company developing complex analytical diagnostic software products for medicine, I decided to write the core of a search system that would bypass the Google project in terms of the quality of searching for relevant information. After a year and a half of work, a portion of the search algorithms was sold to a European search project.
In 2017, the complexity of artificial intelligence algorithms in terms of implementing methods for generating new knowledge prompted me to actively engage in research in this area. So, after a couple of years of complex analysis and research, I came to the conclusion that a new, specific theory is needed to create artificial intelligence. This is how Sense Theory appeared. Afterwards, I decided to establish my own company that would exclusively develop algorithms for artificial intelligence.
U.Today: Can you tell us about the main services Arllecta offers?
Egger Mielberg: Among the basic services that our company offers are services such as speech recognition and synthesis, speech analytics of several conversation objects and algorithms for identifying semantic connections.
Additionally, we are developing products in which we implement our own technologies both in terms of our own mathematical Sense Theory and in the field of the decentralized Proof of Participation Protocol (PoPP) — among which, we can highlight a single-window web application that combines such functionality as meetings, email, user board and calendar.
Our flagship product now is a global business network, SenseChain, whose main goal is to unite all active people on our planet into one equal network. Equality lies in the implementation of our unique paradigm; the main asset of our business network is time, or rather the hours that its users spend. The initial financial status of a member of our network does not matter; only the amount of time spent on the network is of decisive importance in obtaining various benefits.
U.Today: You are working on longevity research but also offer many AI solutions. The field is so wide, how do you manage to deal with everything?
Egger Mielberg: In fact, one follows the other. The longevity project came from the results of testing the algorithms of our Sense Theory in terms of early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases on anonymized data.
We have obtained promising results in terms of early diagnosis of some skin diseases, as well as good results in terms of early diagnosis of myocardial infarction (heart attack). For example, regarding myocardial infarction, we obtained 99% accuracy in determining the homeostatic state of the human body four to five days before a heart attack.
Our research over the past two years has instilled in us the understanding that the so-called elixir of youth can be created only after a clear understanding of the molecular genetic reasons for the atypia of human cells, that is, the true reasons for the emergence of tumor cells.
Therefore, we are now focusing our research in medicine on conducting clinical studies of our own algorithms based on Sense Theory for the early diagnosis of cancer of any etiology. That is, if we achieve a result of 99% accuracy in making an early diagnosis of a tumor, then the creation of an elixir of youth will become a secondary task to be solved.
U.Today: What is the Proof of Participation Protocol (PoPP)?
Egger Mielberg: This technology, or rather the decentralized protocol, was created in 2018 based on our other technology, Smart Box. Smart Box is a logical structure that describes the interaction of network participants performing specific work for each other. The operating principles of this box are partly taken from an electronic microcircuit. The uniqueness of the protocol lies in the implementation of its main paradigm — the main job of the user using this protocol is to confirm their participation in the execution of the business contract.
For example, compared to the current implementation of the Bitcoin network protocol, the work done by the user of this protocol is confirmed by the mining work performed. In the Proof of Participation Protocol, work is done only after the actual execution of the business contract. That is, when the participants in each contract spent real time to fulfill it. As we know, time is an irreplaceable asset for any person on our planet. This fact makes our solution flexible and attractive for developing applications that implement a real digital economics-based business network.
U.Today: You are also the author of several mathematics technologies you use in AI-focused products. Can you tell us about them in simple terms? How did you come up with the idea of creating them?
Egger Mielberg: For example, let's take our current flagship product, SenseChain. The idea to create this technology was born after numerous failures of the current global financial system. The facts have become obvious that a person, as a biological species capable of self-education, should not spend the overwhelming bulk of their lifetime earning monetary assets for existence on this planet. The key here is "capable of self-education." In our opinion, it is precisely the artificially created barriers of the current financial system that do not allow a person who wants to improve their knowledge in the development of technologies in various fields of science and business.
At the current time, to eliminate these barriers, we see the creation of a global unified decentralized network in terms of eliminating the influence of its individual participants on its performance. However, simply creating a decentralized network will not eliminate these barriers, and a strong economic model is needed here, as for a full-fledged large state.
This is how SenseChain technology was born. The key and unique characteristics of this technology create a new niche in the technological range of Web3 technologies.
Among these characteristics are the following:
- Creation of global sense contracts in any business and scientific field.
- Cross-border transfers around the world.
- Native coin (SC) — equivalent to job hours (JH).
- Stability of the native coin rate (minimum job rate): 1SC = 1JH = $10.
- Double earning possibility for each sense contract.
- Integration with other global e-commerce networks.
- Scalability and small fees per each internal transaction (deposit-free charge).
- Digital infrastructure for creating any projects of any complexity and geography.
- Guarantee of payment for every life hour spent on the network in the implementation of any sense contract.
One of the main goals of the SenseChain is to unite the people of our planet into one big digital family, giving people the opportunity to earn money and exchange experiences from different countries and to speed up technological progress as much as possible for the benefit of a comfortable and safe life for each of its members.
We believe that SenseChain technology can become the starting point in creating a smart and safe home for every inhabitant of our planet. For example, the implemented digital economic model in the SenseChain network completely eliminates such an artificial concept as inflation.
The SenseChain technology is completely based on Sense Theory and the Proof of Participation Protocol and has no connection to or relationship with any current crypto projects.
The main and fundamental difference between SenseChain and other crypto projects is the implementation of its own paradigm for the main asset in the form of user hours spent and the realized economy. Also, it should be especially noted that SenseChain is not a pure crypto project; it is primarily an IT project with partial implementation of crypto characteristics from the crypto industry. Finally, SenseChain uses its own main network with its own native coin — SenseCoin (SC).
U.Today: What is the main advantage of using a decentralized network like SenseChain?
Egger Mielberg: The SenseChain technology we created has a unique feature that separates it from any other technologies, it is a sense-to-sense algorithm with a main focus on meaning of sense between objects of any type. The main advantage of using the SenseChain network is the simplicity, transparency and security of its users.
Its simplicity lies in the fact that all business and economic activities of any network participant can be identified without disclosing sensitive information. On the network, the main instrument is sense contracts.
The transparency of the network lies in the ability of any person, whether a participant or not, to obtain maximum information about the business activities of any participant on the network. Personal information specified in official identification documents and wallet balances are confidential to comply with international laws on personal and commercial data.
Network security is about implementing sense contracts for any action on that network. In other words, no action can be implemented without a corresponding sense contract created. In this regard, we minimize as much as possible such activities on our network as money laundering or monetary fraud.
U.Today: What is a sense contract?
Egger Mielberg: Sense contract is a business contract that uses Smart Box technology for its logic and SenseChain for its analysis and storage.
One of the unique features of SenseChain lies in its storage scheme for sense contracts. A sense contract that is executed, say, two years after the creation of the basic first sense contract for a specific job will be recorded on the network in the form of a semantic branch of this basic sense contract.
SenseChain partly implements the principles of the formation of long-term memory in the human brain.
U.Today: What challenges did you face on your leadership journey?
Egger Mielberg: The main and perhaps only difficulty that I constantly encounter is the attempts of total control by the big giants in the IT industry to suppress the development of innovative new projects for the sake of their own exorbitant financial gain.
U.Today: What are your plans for 2024?
Egger Mielberg: Launch SenseChain Network and finish the first stage of our clinical research in the longevity project.
U.Today: Do you have a crypto portfolio?
Egger Mielberg: I do not have any.
I believe in a digital decentralized economic business network with the best characteristics of any crypto project included. Not the other way around!
U.Today: Who in the industry inspires you and why?
Egger Mielberg: The global economic situation that inspired me to start creating our technologies, particularly SenseChain, is the weak, not very far-sighted financial system that gives rise to the overwhelming number of problems that humanity faces in the 21st century.
U.Today: What piece of advice can you give to people who want to start a crypto/blockchain/AI company?
Egger Mielberg: Let me quote our appeal to everyone who registers with our SenseChain network:
- Respect other members.
- Don't break the law.
- Enjoy and share with others.
My personal life motto is "Analyze more, Ask less." That is exactly what I would recommend to anyone who would want to start a business of any kind.