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Cardano May Transfer $681.9 Million Treasury to ADA Holders: What's Going On?

Fri, 14/06/2024 - 15:36
Cardano May Transfer $681.9 Million Treasury to ADA Holders: What's Going On?
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In a recent X post, Charles Hoskinson shared important updates regarding the Cardano blockchain. Particularly, the founder of Cardano stated that this month will see the release of a new node, a crucial step toward the next major hard fork, named Chang.


This forthcoming event is not merely a technical upgrade but a leap toward decentralized governance within the Cardano ecosystem, as was previously stated. Hoskinson outlined that for the hard fork to proceed, around 70% of ADA stake pool operators must successfully transition to the new node version.


Hoskinson envisions widespread participation in the governance of Cardano, facilitated by an advanced blockchain governance system. This development has deep implications for Cardano's evolution into a decentralized global community. 

The Voltaire era signifies a period of increased community involvement in shaping Cardano's future. With the introduction of delegate representatives, community members will be able to represent their interests in the governance process.

In addition, the upcoming Cardano Constitutional Convention in the capital of Argentina will play a crucial role. Governance representatives from different regions will work together to draft the first constitution, laying the foundation for decentralized governance principles.


Ratification of this constitution through a community-wide vote will underscore Cardano's path to decentralized governance and set a precedent for blockchain projects worldwide.


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