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Elon Musk's Sudden AI Meme Tweet Triggers Crypto Community

Mon, 3/06/2024 - 14:55
Elon Musk's Sudden AI Meme Tweet Triggers Crypto Community
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Techno entrepreneur Elon Musk, boss of Tesla and owner of the X platform who recently founded the xAI start-up to take part in the artificial intelligence race, has taken to his X account to publish a meme about AI. Musk is a renowned fan of memes, often sharing his take on current or acute social events through them.

Today, he posted a meme about AI, triggering the reaction of the crypto and regular communities, who follow him on the X network. He also published a tweet, issuing a prediction on the future that humanity is heading for.

Elon Musk's controversial AI meme

Elon Musk, who is known for his “anti-woke” position on AI development (thus opposing himself to OpenAI, Meta and other IT giants who have launched their artificial intelligence products) has published a meme that includes combined images from the classic Wachowski movie “The Matrix.”

He shared an X post published by user @Jason X with 827,300 followers. Namely, the meme depicts Morpheus offering Neo a blue and a red pill to choose from. The red pill means “AI will kill us all.” The blue one has a caption: “AI will solve it all.” The rest of the meme suggests that AI researchers are so eager to invent AI that they either do not care about the consequences or cannot predict them fully (and that does not stop them anyway), so they “took both pills.”

The crypto community responded with comments, posting both positive and negative AI expectations. One user shared an image saying that people expect AI to do their laundry and dishes so that people can engage in writing and drawing - and not the other way around.

Elon Musk claims WhatsApp unsafe

In a tweet published a week ago, Elon Musk published a tweet claiming that WhatsApp, owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta giant, exports user data every night, while some people still believe that this messaging application remains secure.

Some commentators, including Tether’s strategic advisor Gabor Gurbacs, questioned that assertion. However, one of the videos shared by Elon Musk confirms that WhatsApp exports user data to the app’s servers every night and then, likely, shares it with advertisers. Facebook has already been involved in scandals regarding the leakage of user data to advertising firms in the past.


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