The University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) has announced about its plans to utilize an Ethereum Blockchain system that ensures the authenticity of degree certificates. At first, the new technology will only be applied to Computer Science graduates, but later they want to extend it to all degree programs that are available at the University of Cagliari.
Preventing degree counterfeiting
Despite many people complaining that college diplomas aren’t worth the paper they are printed on, getting a degree still gives you plenty of career opportunities (especially, when it comes to public sector jobs). Faking a degree certificate when applying for a job is still a rather common problem, so the University of Cagliari came up with a Blockchain system that issues certified digital documents that cannot be altered or tampered with. They follow the example of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that has already experienced the advantages of registering diplomas on a Blockchain.
How it works?
From now on, all degrees will have a digital signature that is registered on the university’s Ethereum Blockchain. If the digital signature and the registered signature are the same, a degree is proven to be authentic. The possibility of getting a random coincidence is less than one divided by a 77-digit number. All that you need for a degree verification is a specific file and Internet access. The instructions are published on the university’s website.
It is expected that the idea of keeping degrees on a separate Blockchain will soon be adopted by more educational institutions as soon as their realize its major benefits. Degrees that are registered on a tamper-proof Blockchain can be verified in time without making additional inquiries (calling the university, sending emails and so on).
Blockchain in education
This is not the first time Blockchain technology is being implemented in the Italian educational sector. On July 16, the University of Pisa made an announcement on its official website about utilizing a new Blockchain technology which would help to increase students’ mobility and improve data management.
The impact of the cryptocurrency on education becomes more and more evident. CryptoComes previously reported that crypto-related topics would be added to an updated CFA examination program.