Vodafone Germany has published a Bitcoin-related ad on its Facebook page. It positions the orange coin as a replacement for pocket money.
— Vodafone Deutschland (@vodafone_de) February 21, 2020
WHAT DOES THE ADD SAY?!" - Oh - wait....
The text means: "What will Grandma give you if everyone pays with Bitcoin in the future?" ^pdd
Vodafone and Facebook
Vodafone posting a pro-Bitcoin ad on Facebook is ironic given the fact that it joined a slew of big names that ditched the Libra cryptocurrency earlier this January. The telecom giant suggested that there could be some sort of future cooperation.
So far, eight high-profile Libra Association members have called it quits after Facebook's controversial stablecoin received significant pushback from politicians and regulators.
It's still unclear whether Libra, which was prematurely deemed as a Bitcoin killer, is even going to launch at this point.
Can Bitcoin replace cash?
Bitcoin was originally designed as a medium of exchange but its adoption stalled due to its scalability problems. Numerous pundits (from top crypto executives to central bankers) believe that BTC is simply unsuitable for payments.
However, if one considers the rapid growth of the Lightning Network, your grandma might indeed start sending you sats instead of pocket money.