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Shytoshi Kusama's Crucial Message on Crypto Market Sent to SHIB Community

Mon, 24/06/2024 - 14:15
Shytoshi Kusama's Crucial Message on Crypto Market Sent to SHIB Community
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The official social media marketing expert of the SHIB team, called Lucie, has published a post on the X platform to address the current negative state of the cryptocurrency market and to send a message from SHIB leader Shytoshi Kusama to the meme coin’s vast community.

Shytoshi Kusama sends controversial message

Lucie took to her X handle to talk about the state that the cryptocurrency market is in. While everyone wants a bull run, she wrote, “we are facing challenges and seeing bad actors rushing in” to take advantage of the situation and inexperienced investors.

Lucie has compared the cryptocurrency space to the gold rush that the U.S. saw in the 19th century. The key observation the SHIB executive pointed out to the SHIB community here was that “it takes time to build a legacy.” Besides, Lucie reminded the community that not every one will want to see decentralization rule since this is “a painful process.” Many players would prefer to leave Shibarium and move on, but in the end, the efforts of the developers who work hard to embody their visions will succeed, according to her tweet.

Lucie also quoted what the mysterious lead developer Shytoshi Kusama told her this week; he admitted to not being perfect. Lucie says that nobody really is, however, they are together trying to “create something great.”


SHIB price plummets

Over the last 24 hours, the second most popular meme cryptocurrency on the market, SHIB, has painted a substantial 8.13% decline, as it fell from $0.00001815 to the $$0.00001675 price mark, where it is changing hands at the time of this writing.

Over the past week, since June 16, Shiba Inu has shed a whopping 20.37% of its price, falling from the $0.00002101 level to the current price line.

About a week ago, Lucie also shared a message from the enigmatic SHIB leader with the community. Back then, Shytoshi Kusama said that the moat to the castle has already been finished, and now it is time to build the castle itself, perhaps hinting at Shibarium and the layer-3 solution on which the SHIB team is working now after raising $12 million from major investors for it.

Lucie proudly shared that “there is so much more to come.”


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