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ETHMilan, Italy's largest international ETH & Web3 Conference, Makes a Dramatic Return

Thu, 27/06/2024 - 14:22
ETHMilan, Italy's largest international ETH & Web3 Conference, Makes a Dramatic Return
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ETHMilan, Italy's largest international ETH & Web3 Conference, returns for its second edition on September 26-27, 2024 at Teatro Franco Parenti, one of Milan's most exclusive venues.


ETHMilan will feature over 100 speakers & several industry-leading sponsors, including Robinhood Crypto, Redacted Cartel (Dinero), Abracadabra Finance, Chainlabo, Story Protocol, 21shares, Spark, Unlock Protocol, zondacrypto, and YouHodler.

This conference presents a unique opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and creative arts fields, as well as to network with some of the biggest companies in the industry.

The agenda includes networking and hacking sessions, and experiences ranging from art to music and fashion.

Whether you are an expert or just curious, this is the event for you. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!

Use promo code UTODAY to get 20% off your ticket!

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