While some traders are investing heavily in Bitcoin, others don’t miss the opportunity to let off a joke about it. With all the fuss around this unique phenomenon, how could it be otherwise? Each Bitcoin meme from our Top-30 list will prove that the entire world is simply raving about crypto.
Before we start...
If you’re in the dark about what Bitcoin is (which would be strange with a thousand and one Bitcoin crash meme in the Net and crypto grabbing the news headlines), let’s clear things out. Here are some fast facts:
Bitcoin is a digital (virtual) currency that’s based on blockchain (cryptography) technology.
It allows for transparent and quick payments.
It doesn’t belong to any government.
But how did it become a meme? Bitcoin has seen a meteoric rise in price since 2016 and now is among the most expensive and the most valuable currencies worldwide. People mine it, people trade it, and some just save the precious coins to make their fortune in the future.
Hype is rising
Doesn’t it remind you of the famous gold rush? No one stayed aside from the gold fever of 21st century. The only thing that’s changed is instruments.
And Bitcoins mining farms aren’t actually what you imagine them. Wonder if there’s a huge mining rig in the basement.
Phew! I’m completely knackered!
You gotta be kidding me!
But it’s still isn’t real
No matter how much Bitcoin costs, you can’t use it the same way as a fiat currency, and purchase is also challenging.
That feeling when being a millionaire doesn’t make any difference...
...but who said virtual money can’t buy happiness?
Well, you tried.
The cloud of Bitcoin unavailability has its silver lining, hasn’t it? At least you won’t become a drug-addict.
One does not simply buy Bitcoins for any currency he wants.
Image is everything
Oh, those stereotypes...
Haters gonna hate
Envy is a deadly sin, kitty.
Success is the best revenge.
Probably, the best Bitcoin bubble meme ever.
I should have done it before!
Remember the famous “In a year you will regret you didn’t start now”? I bet that’s exactly what most newcomers think!
Probably, every second funny Bitcoin meme is dedicated to this bitter feeling of golden opportunities slipping by. However, it’s not all lost yet – you can still start trading Bitcoin or try altcoins.
If you still hesitate.
To sell or not to sell?
I hold my hand on the pulse, and my heart stops every time I see Bitcoin dropping.
With the current Bitcoin price, you can afford the entire candy factory.
All in all, the game is worth the candle.
Blockchain is the key
Our Bitcoin meme pool wouldn’t be full without mentioning blockchain – the technology underlying it.
I guess my 2+2=4 won’t make the cut.
Together we’re invincible
Just like usual coins, Bitcoin has two edges: there’s a number of perks including 100% independence.
Mission impossible.
Bonus: Our recommendations
Banter aside, you can still get the juice from Bitcoin even though individual mining doesn’t make much sense today. How to earn?
Try collective mining pools.
Enter trading markets (a good option for finance-savvy guys).
Use the hype around Bitcoin to make websites/organize seminars/enter the MLM business – opportunities are still endless.
Good luck!