In April, former Bitcoin proponent John McAfee made an announcement of his newly launched anonymous crypto called ‘Ghost’. Now, he is spreading the word about preparing to launch a smartphone data service, which would make your phone impossible to track and keep you anonymous. Ghost coin will be integrated, McAfee says.
McAfee to release Ghost cell phone data service
Crypto baron John McAfee took to Twitter to announce another brainchild of his - Ghost cell phone data service. His previous project was also in crypto - Ghost coin, which he launched earlier this year.
In a recent tweet, McAfee says that he can help anyone make their smartphone untrackable and keep them anonymous using his Ghost cell phone data service.
According to McAfee, the anonymous Ghost crypto will be fully integrated with the new product. He tweeted that the service will work with eSIM enabled phones and will be released in September.
The former antivirus magnate promised he would share more details later.

Limited data protection from John McAfee
MacAfee, however, warned that the Ghost smartphone data service will be able to make private only your identity and location, when talking on the phone or when it is switched on.
No technology these days, tweeted the crypto baron, can protect phone conversation these days. Therefore, he urged his subscribers not to trust any vendors of security systems.
No more betting on Bitcoin
Right at the start of the year, McAfee surprised the community by calling Bitcoin an ancient technology and gave up the Bitcoin price bet that made him famous.
A few years ago, McAfee stated that unless Bitcoin reached the price of $1 mln by the end of 2021, he would eat his privates on US national TV.
In a tweet on Jan 5, he stated that he never really believed in Bitcoin but merely used it as a ‘ruse to onboard new users’ to crypto. And it worked, he admitted.
Afterwards, the crypto baron began supporting privacy coins, stating that Monero (XMR) might be a top coin in the future.
In April, he launched his own privacy coin, Ghost, as if to contribute to the industry he believes is promising.