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ARIA Introduces New Platform to Revolutionise Crypto Investments with Comprehensive Data and AI-Driven Tools

Mon, 17/06/2024 - 12:44
ARIA Introduces New Platform to Revolutionise Crypto Investments with Comprehensive Data and AI-Driven Tools
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Paris, France — A.R.I.A., Algorithmic Ratings & Investment Analysis, is excited to announce the launch of its innovative cryptocurrency analytics platform, specifically designed to empower investors of all levels to make smarter, faster and better investment decisions in the cryptocurrency space. Headed by Co-CEOs Jonathan Hababou Solomon, formerly an equities trader at Makor Group and Anastasia Ulianova, formerly an FX and Crypto trader at fintech  giant Revolut, ARIA offers its customers a user-friendly experience with deep market insights to support investment decision-making and portfolio construction in the technically complex world of cryptocurrency markets. 


Powered by a wide variety of data analytics, ARIA offers a comprehensive suite of products, including its own proprietary Cryptocurrency Ratings algorithm that assign a Risk Rating to different crypto projects raging from J (Junk) Speculative to AAA Investment Grade. With crypto remaining a young asset class, many investors have been forced to rely solely on a token’s market capitalisation as a primary indication of its risk. By contrast, ARIA’s ratings are algorithmically designed to provide a holistic view of a token’s risk by taking into account over 35 metrics, looking at tokenomics, governance, adoption, security, and more.

More recently, ARIA has released its latest feature dubbed the “Data Harbour” — a statistical hub providing detailed financial data and metrics on each assessed cryptocurrency, examining their performance, volatility and correlation to the OG cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Acknowledging that many active investors in the crypto space may not have a background in Finance, ARIA’s new Data Harbour endeavours to break down the complexity barrier and help investors find new metrics and new standards by which to measure their appetite to purchase a particular coin or token. Therefore, each statistic is accompanied by interpretable explanations of their definition, their significance in investment decisions, and suggested combinations for deeper analysis marking ARIA as one of the few players in the crypto space actively working to demystify complex financial data and make it accessible and actionable for all users, regardless of background. 

Amongst other tools to complete its set of high-quality original content is ARIA’s News Aggregator, which integrates more than 50 trusted news sources, a Charting Toolkit to technical analysis and an encyclopedic collection of jargon-free explanations of different cryptocurrency projects named the “Cryptopedia.”  

The platform is open for sign-up, with different subscription plans available and a free trial encouraging users to explore the full range of features the platform has to offer. 

“Our goal at ARIA is really to simplify the world of cryptocurrency investments and legitimise their place in a traditional portfolio,” says Jonathan.  “By combining user-friendly tools with deep market insights, we seek to cut down the barriers of c omplexity, data access and time spent on investment analysis so that more people may profit from this burgeoning market. We believe that informed decisions are the key to successful investing, and ARIA provides all the necessary tools to navigate the market and make those decisions with confidence.” 

For more information about ARIA, please visit


Jonathan Hababou Solomon Co- Founder & Co-CEO

ARIA Email: 


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