Bundle Breaking News Application Now Broadcasts U.Today Crypto Newsfeed

Fri, 03/05/2021 - 10:00
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Bundle Breaking News is a top-ranked multi-platform news aggregator (4.4 and "Editors' Choice" on Google Play, 4.5 in the App Store). Now its finances section broadcasts U.Today content related to crypto and blockchain.

Bundle Breaking News: one-stop news aggregator

Delivered by Bundle, a well-known software development studio, Bundle Breaking News application aggregates news and stories from 10,000 outlets across 18 countries. At the same time, its user experience is highly adjustable: every user can set his/her own alerts and tag preferred sources of content.

Image by Bundle

This ocean of content can be easily browsed with the advanced search system. Every story can be saved for further reading, and all saved items are available even when the device is offline.

In the Bundle News Application, a "Reader" mode has been implemented so that users can focus on text in a "simplified" format. All stories are classified into "Topics," themed collections that adjust to the interests of each user.

The "Local" stories mode is available for users who want to read media content that covers certain countries: the U.S., U.K., Germany and Turkey.

U.Today newsfeed on blockchain and crypto is now available in Bundle Breaking News

The "Finances" section is among the most popular segments of the feed on the Bundle Breaking News application. It is visited by 14 percent of app users and indexes top-notch media outlets like Bloomberg, Business Insider and so on.

Starting from March 2021, U.Today will be added to the list of sources for Bundle Breaking News. Smartphone users will be able to read the latest crypto and blockchain news, opinions, product reviews, price predictions and more.

Given that the crypto segment is evolving into a crucial part of global financial infrastructure, it will be very useful for app users to have hand-picked news and in-depth analytical text at their fingertips.